Interested in becoming a Riogen dealer?

Choosing the right dealers is important to us... and our customers!

We've worked hard to build a strong brand that is recognized by results-driven farmers and ranchers across this continent. We want to ultimately uphold our customer experience... the experience our customers deserve and have come to expect. Our science, our quality, our passion, and our integrity. None of that changes.

As we always say, "We will never forget who we serve and who we are."

Ideal Dealer Profile

  • Willing to tag-team with Riogen® Dealer Manager to build a growth strategy
  • Gets 10,000 acres worth of business in year #1
  • Signs new customers onto the product within the first 3 weeks of joining
  • Willing & able to help farmers crunch numbers & dollarize the ROI / financial impact
  • Has customer's best interest in mind & driven to deliver results
  • Attends Riogen webinars & dealer training events
  • Actively engages new prospects & leverages connections via phone, text, or face-to-face
  • Views dealership as a revenue stream
  • Located in an area with marginal soils

Non-Ideal Dealer Profile

  • Doesn't sell on value & ROI
  • Fleet-farm chain stores
  • Cooperatives
  • Only sells in areas with fertile soils

NOTE: Non-ideal dealer profile applications will likely be refused (no hard feelings)

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So how does the dealer model work?

  • Dealers do not take care of inventory, warehousing, or delivery
  • Dealers do not bill or collect
  • Dealers are responsible for bringing new leads to the table, with 'tag-teaming' from the Riogen® team as needed
  • Dealers maintain & nurture relationships with customers
  • Dealers earn commission on sales resulting from their efforts
  • Dealers are eligible for cutback program based on annual sales

Take the first step to becoming a dealer for riogen

Fill out the dealer application below

Help us understand what you've got going on and what you bring to the table as a dealer.

Discuss becoming a dealer with us

Let's answer any further questions you have, and weigh up the pros and cons as they relate to both of our goals.

Get Started


Let's put a stamp on it (you know, a signature, some onboarding, and whatnot) and get this thing rolling!

Rhyzogreen Road Show | FREE IN PERSON EVENT | Feb 6 @ 5PM in Winner, SD!GET THE DETAILS
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