We feel it is necessary first off to state clearly what Rhyzogreen is not:

  • It is not a biological where you’re adding microbes to the soil
  • It is not a synthetic fertilizer
  • It is not a micronutrient package for the plant

What we use to feed, stimulate, awaken and fuel the microbes is simply put a “direct food source specific to soil microbes”

It is a blend, a cocktail, of many, many, many natural trace elements that directly feed microbes, they act as a “superfood”.

The mode of action is what matters essentially – that is as we stimulate the microbes they then serve to unlock the nutrients that are in a locked-up state, and make them available for plant uptake. Our claims are solid as we spend a huge amount of time and resource in backing them up with data, replicated over and over and over. 

As far as individual constituents and ingredients that make up the super food, that is not publicly available information, being proprietary  as is standard with any industry.

Alfalfa - Apply early spring after greenup and between cuttings after plants have started showing a minimum of 2"-3" of regrowth.
Grazing Pastures - Apply early spring after greenup and repeat application every 90 days during active growing season for best performance.
Small Grain - Apply once, no earlier than 3 leaf stage.
Corn & Sunflowers - Apply once, no earlier than 3 leaf stage.
Potatoes - Apply twice a year.
Soybeans - Apply once, no earlier than second trifoliate stage.
Sugar Beets - Apply once a year, either in-furrow or foliar after 4-leaf stage.
Yard Grass Receiving Continuous Mowing - Apply early spring after greenup. For best performance repeat application every 30 days during active growing season.
Vegetables - Apply at 20 to 30-day intervals throughout growing season. 
Fruit Trees - Apply 3 times per crop cycle: before flowering, early fruit stage and mid fruit stage.

Rhyzogreen itself does not have a residual affect in that it does not stay in the soil for months or years, however what does happen is that it sets in motion a response like spinning a flywheel and working with mother nature and the natural system that lasts for months and years. So for folks applying it in the fall, they will see the effects in the spring. Folks that apply it year one will see the effects in year two. Again, we recommend using it once a year or as often as it makes financial sense.

We are not suggesting to replace your fertilizers, but with the motive action of Rhyzogreen it will serve to help you optimize and get more out of every fertilizer dollar. While we don’t recommend cutting or quitting your fertilizer program, we do see roughly 50% of our customers doing just that. The point is that we are helping to mobilize and unlock those fertilizers and make them plant available. The catalyst for this is life in the soil, and that is what we are impacting.

The answer is both, we have seen an increase in tonnage, soil health, microbial biomass, fungal biomass, and the quality of hay across many data sets of both irrigated and dry land. However, if you are in a severe drought and simply do not have enough water, Rhyzogreen is not magic, and you still need water to make the whole natural system work.

Fall application works very well as long as you are applying the Rhyzogreen to a green leaf that has the capacity to absorb it. Remember that the plant is just the transportation mechanism vs the thing that we are treating. The plant being a transportation mechanism to get Rhyzogreen into the root zone, so a green leaf is essential for absorption. Now the Rhyzogreen itself does not have a residual affect over winter, but what it does is sets in motion the flywheel effect early by setting the soil microbes in motion in the fall. They don’t die over winter, they go dormant, so if you have 64% more microbes in the fall, you will have them in the soil come spring. As soon as you get close to thaw in early spring, already those microbes are functioning under the ground and unlocking nutrients and getting the party started, so we can start seeing the results in tonnage and quality earlier in the year. If however, you do not have the ability to apply it in the fall, you run out of time or you do not have a green leaf, applying it first thing in the spring once you have green up is also acceptable.

What we’ve found based on 52 on farm trials is that Rhyzogreen works in areas that have been subject to drought, stress, heat stress, compaction, or intensive chemical usage. These 4 things cause native microbes that are within the soil to go dormant and many times up to 80% of your soil microbe population is dormant due to heat, drought, chemical or compaction stress. So, the motive action with Rhyzogreen is not specific to soil type, it is more specific to soils falling within those stress areas. What we find is that the western half of the US and Canada are more prone to be suffering from those stress factors. This is not to say that Rhyzogreen will not work in other areas, but we see the greatest response in the western half of the US and Canada where we do have more drought-prone areas, more sandy soils, and more heat stress.

Rhyzogreen does not have any pH altering claims. While we see a change within the soil structure and the soil health and the unlocking of nutrients to become plant available, pH levels in and of themselves we have not seen significant changes.

Rhyzogreen is around a neutral pH, and we do not have any pH altering claims.

No, there are no heavy metals within Rhyzogreen, the product has a blend of superfoods specific to soil microbes. Think of it as cattle feed is for cows, or hog feed is for hogs – this is the same idea but is feed specific to soil microbes.

As we said it impacts the microbial biomass which is your total measure of life in the soil, by 64%. More specifically, to separate that out between fungal and bacterial, Rhyzogreen has a much bigger impact on the fungal portion of your microbial biomass. Across 262 data sets, we see a huge 92% increase in the fungal portion which is the key metric to a healthy soil. If you take a soil sample from a forest or a mountain or a natural area, you will find that in that native state it will be high in fungal compared to soil that has been heavily farmed and tilled. We will find that the soils that have been extensively farmed are bacterial microbial biomass dominant which is not what we want. The mode of action for Rhyzogreen is to drive the fungal numbers versus the bacterial.

While we don’t have a lot of data specific to this question, we find that when you are feeding biology in the soil there is more of it, it is more active, and as it is dying off it becomes an organic soil matter component. Essentially, we are feeding the organic matter production right within your soil. We do measure microbial biomass (which is the level of life in your soil) and we have seen a response of 64% increase in microbial biomass across 262 data sets. So, without doubt we are making a huge impact on the life that is in your soil.

The answer is yes, it can be co-applied with any pesticide, fungicide, herbicide or other fertilizers. However, the one requirement is doing a jar test prior to application to make sure that there is compatibility. The percentage of the time that we run into compatibility issues is very, very minimal, but to be on the safe side, we always recommend a jar test to ensure Rhyzogreen and any other product can be co-applied.

It is not recommended to apply Rhyzogreen® in temperatures colder than 40°F or hotter than 90°F. A light frost of 1 or 2 degrees below freezing will not normally harm most plants and spraying can be resumed later in the day as long as daytime high is forecasted to reach at least 45°F. Ideal temperatures to apply Rhyzogreen® are between 50°F and 80°F.

Rhyzogreen can be mixed with other products, and has proven in some trials to even optimize the performance of other products. Always jar test for compatibility before first use.

A few things to keep in mind:

Perform a DILUTED jar test, not a full strength chemical jar test (full-strength Rhyzogreen® and full-strength chem). This is not realistic and often gels or foams.

It is always recommended that a tank mixed with chemicals, fertilizer, or Rhyzogreen® be applied on the same day it was mixed. This is the standard recommendation. Allowing the mixture to sit overnight may cause it to separate and could make it difficult to get it back into suspension, especially if no agitation is available. Most starter fertilizer tanks do not have agitation.

The application method is not critical. The key is to make sure the product gets either on the plant, in the ground or on the ground or so that it can go to work feeding the biology. Some common application methods are putting it in-furrow or applying as a foliar spray. 

Yes, Rhyzogreen® should be stored in temperatures above freezing.

Rhyzogreen® has been proven across 30 field trials to increase alfalfa Brix (sugars) by an average of 11%. That means the plants have increased proteins, sugars, organic acids, amino acids, minerals, lipids, and pectins.

Yes, it is safe to be sprayed on pastures/forages even when they are being grazed.

Rhyzogreen® is pre-approved by the AGA (American Grassfed Association), IMI Global Where food Comes From, and National Audubon Society. More to come...

Rhyzogreen is not Non-GMO certified but yes, it is made with Non-GMO ingredients. 

While Rhyzogreen is an all-natural blend of superfoods specific for feeding soil microbes. While it could qualify as organic, the company has chosen not to register the product in every state with organic status. Depending on your organic certifier, you may be able to use this within your production system as an organic farm or grower.

18 months.

Rio Nutrition was started in 2002, so as of today, 22 years ago. We have been in the business of feeding microbes for over 2 decades. The core business, Riomax Lick tubs, for close to 2 decades, has been feeding microbes in the form of the rumen of a cow. What that serves to do is unlock nutrients and protein energy out of the forages of the grass and make them cow available. Riogen started in 2020 and uses the same science that we have been using for two decades, to feed microbes in the rumen of the cow. The science is the same, we are stimulating these microbes which then serve to unlock nutrients that are tied up and unavailable in the soil and make them plant available. To summarize, Riomax is using microbes to unlock nutrients and make them cow available, and what that looks like is 15-30 of forage hay savings simply because the cow is capturing more out of every mouthful. On the Rhyzogreen side, we are feeding microbes in the soil, so they serve to unlock nutrients and make them plant available, which then increases tonnage by about 20-30% (based on 52 on-farm data sets).

Rhyzogreen® is a direct food source for the soil microbial population, designed to impact root structure, plant health, and ultimately yield.

Soil health directly correlates to plant health. There is an enormous amount of nutrients in the soil, but only a small percentage is actually in a form that the plant can take up.

Soil microbes convert soil nutrients into a form the plant can absorb and use. But, if a soil's microbial community is stressed by poor growing conditions like soil compaction, excess moisture, or not enough moisture, up to 80% of microbes can remain dormant or inactive!

That's why Rhyzogreen® is designed to hyper-activate the microbes in the soil, so they can do a better job of unlocking those nutrients that are already existing in your soil.

It’s important to note that Rhyzogreen® has shown better performance in marginal and sandy soils. Simply put, there’s more room for improvement in these areas, so Rhyzogreen® makes a larger impact.

How does rhyzogreen work?

3 steps to get started

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connecting the dots between soil health and increased profit per acre

Enjoy the financial benefits today, and the soil health benefits next season, next year, and next generation!

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Figure out how many acres you want to cover and place your order - either direct at 888.507.0122 or with your Rhyzogreen® dealer if there is one near you.

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Enjoy the financial benefits today, and the soil health benefits next season, next year, and next generation!

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