Rhyzogreen® is a direct food source for the soil microbial population which impacts root structure, plant health & resilience and ultimately yield.

Bottom line, soil health directly correlates to plant health. There’s an enormous amount of nutrients in the soil, but only a small percentage is available in a form the plant can use. It takes the soil’s microbes to convert soil nutrients into a form plants can absorb and use. And if a soil’s microbial community is stressed by poor growing conditions such as soil compaction, excess moisture, too little moisture, up to 80% of microbes can remain dormant or inactive.

It’s important to note that Rhyzogreen® has shown better performance in marginal and sandy soils. Simply put, there’s more room for improvement in these areas, so Rhyzogreen® makes a larger impact.


Hover on the steps of the cycle to read more!


Stage 1

It is a liquid, a blend or cocktail of superfoods specific for soil microbes.


Stage 2

It is applied foliarly (to the leaf) and it is absorbed through the leaf.


Stage 3

It is then rapidly transferred to the stem and down to the roots.


Stage 4

Once it reaches the root tips it is exuded or expressed out of the root tips into the root zone (rhizosphere).


Stage 5

Rhyzogreen® stimulates and feeds the native soil microbes and awakens dormant microbes common to marginal soils.


Stage 6

The awakened / stimulated soil microbes serve to unlock the nutrients that are "tied up" in the soil and make them "plant available".


Stage 7

The dramatic increase in plant available nutrients is what ensures more growth and increased yield avg. 54% increase across 33 harvest data sets.


Tap on the steps of the cycle to read more!


Stage 1

It is a liquid, a blend or cocktail of superfoods specific for soil microbes.


Stage 2

It is applied foliarly (to the leaf) and it is absorbed through the leaf.


Stage 3

It is then rapidly transferred to the stem and down to the roots.


Stage 4

Once it reaches the root tips it is exuded or expressed out of the root tips into the root zone (rhizosphere).


Stage 5

Rhyzogreen® stimulates and feeds the native soil microbes and awakens dormant microbes common to marginal soils.


Stage 6

The awakened / stimulated soil microbes serve to unlock the nutrients that are "tied up" in the soil and make them "plant available".


Stage 7

The dramatic increase in plant available nutrients is what ensures more growth and increased yield avg. 54% increase across 33 harvest data sets.


Stage 1

It is a liquid, a blend or cocktail of superfoods specific for soil microbes.


Stage 2

It is applied foliarly (to the leaf) and it is absorbed through the leaf.


Stage 3

It is then rapidly transferred to the stem and down to the roots.


Stage 4

Once it reaches the root tips it is exuded or expressed out of the root tips into the root zone (rhizosphere).


Stage 5

Rhyzogreen® stimulates and feeds the native soil microbes and awakens dormant microbes common to marginal soils.


Stage 6

The awakened / stimulated soil microbes serve to unlock the nutrients that are "tied up" in the soil and make them "plant available".


Stage 7

The dramatic increase in plant available nutrients is what ensures more growth and increased yield avg. 54% increase across 33 harvest data sets.


Rhyzogreen® costs approximately $30 USD per acre but this varies with quantity discounts and passes required.

Blend recommended amounts with 5-25 gallons of water per acre for foliar application or a minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre for in-furrow application. For best results foliar applications should be made in the morning hours when the air is cool.

Alfalfa - 1 gallon per 5 acres. Foliar - Early spring after greenup and between cuttings after plants have started showing a minimum of 2"-3" of regrowth.
Grazing Pastures - 1 gallon per 5 acres. Foliar - Early spring after greenup. For best performance repeat application every 90 days during active growing season.
Small Grain - 1 gallon per 5 acres. Foliar - No earlier than 3 leaf stage.

It is not recommended to apply Rhyzogreen® in temperatures colder than 40°F or hotter than 90°F. A light frost of 1 or 2 degrees below freezing will not normally harm most plants and spraying can be resumed later in the day as long as daytime high is forecasted to reach at least 45°F. Ideal temperatures to apply Rhyzogreen® are between 50°F and 80°F.

Typically 1/5 of a gallon/acre. An easy way to look at it is 1 gallon for every 5 acres. Consult the product label or your Rhyzogreen® rep for more specific details.

Rhyzogreen can be mixed with other products, and has proven in some trials to even optimize the performance of other products. Always jar test for compatibility before first use.

Rhyzogreen® comes in 80-gallon totes, 135-gallon totes, and 270-gallon totes.

The application method is not critical. The key is to make sure the product gets either on the plant, in the ground or on the ground or so that it can go to work feeding the biology. Some common application methods are putting it in-furrow or applying as a foliar spray. 

Yes! Rhyzogreen® 135 gallon and 275 gallon totes ship free.

Yes, Rhyzogreen® should be stored in temperatures above freezing.

Rhyzogreen® has been proven in field trials to increase alfalfa Brix (sugars) by an average of 14%. That means the plants have increased proteins, sugars, organic acids, amino acids, minerals, lipids, and pectins.

Yes, it is safe to be sprayed on pastures/forages even when they are being grazed.

Rhyzogreen® is pre-approved by the AGA (American Grassfed Association), IMI Global Where food Comes From, and National Audubon Society. More to come...

Rhyzogreen® is not Non-GMO certified but yes, it is made with Non-GMO ingredients. 

how will your year turn out?

When it comes to input costs, some folks feel like they're "damned if they do, damned if they don't". What if you could optimize the soil you already have, increase your production capacity, and make more money per acre?

get more out of what you've already got.

Increase Tonnage by 20-30%

Stimulate your soil biology to aid plant health and increase production!

Increase Your Fertilizer ROI

Unlock existing nutrients in the soil, plus get more out of the fertilizer you do apply.

Increase Profits

Get more production off of your existing acres & increase your profit per acre.

what are growers saying?

”I manage my soils to maximize return on my ranch... WITHOUT a lot of inputs. We saw about a 33% increase in tonnage...”

”I manage my soils to maximize return on my ranch... WITHOUT a lot of inputs. We saw about a 33% increase in tonnage...”

chadron, ne

”On our corn sprayed foliar with herbicide, we had 199 bushels on the Rhyzogreen® treated and 172.5 bushels on the non Rhyzogreen® treated. That’s a 26.5 bushel bump, so overall I was pretty impressed with that, I guess.”

”On our corn sprayed foliar with herbicide, we had 199 bushels on the Rhyzogreen® treated and 172.5 bushels on the non Rhyzogreen® treated. That’s a 26.5 bushel bump, so overall I was pretty impressed with that, I guess.”

wyndmere, nd

”The grass didn't burn off as fast. Stayed green and kept growing... about 2 weeks longer I'd say.”

”The grass didn't burn off as fast. Stayed green and kept growing... about 2 weeks longer I'd say.”

baker, mt

”I have used many different products in the biological space over the years, and based on what I’ve seen with Rhyzogreen® I’d say it’s superior to anything I’ve used or sold in the past. Using solutions like this allows you to cut down on nitrogen use by 15% easy.”

”I have used many different products in the biological space over the years, and based on what I’ve seen with Rhyzogreen® I’d say it’s superior to anything I’ve used or sold in the past. Using solutions like this allows you to cut down on nitrogen use by 15% easy.”

pleasant dale, ne

”I truly believe nitrogen is not our limiting factor. Unlocking the Fertility we already have is the problem. We’ve used Rhyzogreen® this year and with the yields I’ve seen on both corn and soybeans I will use it again next year, on every acre!”

”I truly believe nitrogen is not our limiting factor. Unlocking the Fertility we already have is the problem. We’ve used Rhyzogreen® this year and with the yields I’ve seen on both corn and soybeans I will use it again next year, on every acre!”

remsen, ia

”That’s 100 extra bales than we’d usually get. I think it makes sense for people to do it and I’d highly recommend it. It speaks for itself if you get that many extra bales off of it.”

”That’s 100 extra bales than we’d usually get. I think it makes sense for people to do it and I’d highly recommend it. It speaks for itself if you get that many extra bales off of it.”

farwell, ne

Rhyzogreen is on
acres across North America
Rhyzogreen is on
acres across North America

In this video, we'll cover...

The mode of action

How much it costs

How to get it

3 steps to get started

Talk with a soil health guide

Help us understand your farming/ranching challenges and discuss ways to help you get more out of every acre.

Get rhyzogreen® with free delivery to your farm or ranch

Figure out how many acres you want to cover and place your order - either direct at 888.507.0122 or with your Rhyzogreen® dealer if there is one near you.

connecting the dots between soil health and increased profit per acre

Enjoy the financial benefits today, and the soil health benefits next season, next year, and next generation!

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Help us understand your farming/ranching challenges and discuss ways to help you get more out of every acre.

1 (5)


Figure out how many acres you want to cover and place your order - either direct at 888.507.0122 or with your Rhyzogreen® dealer if there is one near you.

1 (4)


Enjoy the financial benefits today, and the soil health benefits next season, next year, and next generation!

eBook Mockup 3.7.2023

Why should you care about your soil microbes anyway?

It's tough to care about something you can't even see - well, at least that's how we felt when we first started on this journey. But the more we learn about soil microbes, the more excited we get about making an impact in the soils of farmers & ranchers across the country.

We'd invite you to check out this free eBook that dummies down soil microbes, and why they're an essential puzzle piece on every acre you own.

Will you leave money on the table this season?

It sucks to take a beating from mother nature, the increasing cost of production, and uncertain markets to boot. It's time to hold on to your fair share.

Rhyzogreen Road Show | FREE IN PERSON EVENT | Feb 6 @ 5PM in Winner, SD!GET THE DETAILS
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