Rhyzogreen user guide

1. storing the totes

Rhyzogreen totes must be kept in an area above 40°F or 4°C. Do not let the totes freeze.

Totes have an 18-month shelf life if kept from freezing and out of direct sunlight. If a tote sits for more than 6 months, the product needs to be agitated before use as the liquid can separate.


2. applying rhyzogreen

*These instructions are for alfalfa application only. Contact Riogen for application instructions for other crops. If applying Rhyzogreen in-furrow or via aerial spraying, contact Riogen for specific mixing instructions prior to use.

Before applying Rhyzogreen, it must be mixed with water. The mixing ratio is at minimum 5 gallons of water for every 25.6 oz of Rhyzogreen, which covers one acre.
1 gallon of Rhyzogreen will cover 5 acres. See the label on your Rhyzogreen tank for detailed mixing instructions.

When mixing Rhyzogreen with any other products, you must perform a DILUTED jar test (not a full-strength chemical jar test) before putting it in your sprayer to avoid gelling/foaming. If the mixture is consistent and doesn’t separate or contain flakes, the products are compatible.

Rhyzogreen should be applied in early spring after greenup, and between cuttings, when there is 2-3 inches of plant growth with leaf development. For best results, apply in the morning when the air is cool and there is little wind. Rhyzogreen is rainfast and safe to be applied on pasture/forage that is being actively grazed.

3. how to test results

To have an accurate test both the treated and “control” areas should have the exact same products/strengths applied, with the exception of Rhyzogreen on the treated area. This will allow you to clearly measure the advantages specific to Rhyzogreen.

Make sure to harvest your control separately from your treated and keep count of the number of bales/tons produced. Your baler settings should stay the same.

4. calculate your roi

keep an eye out for these visual results

Some customers see a definitive line where Rhyzogreen was applied, but many times this line isn’t visible. This doesn’t mean Rhyzogreen isn’t working. Some things you may see that are less noticeable from a distance are better soil quality, more earthworms, larger leaf size, higher density of the leaves, and increase in the amount of leaves closer to the ground. You may not see a noticeable difference in height or color of the plants.









Didn’t see the tonnage results or forage quality you were looking for? Reach out to us to coordinate microbial biomass testing. Please note that this is not the same as soil fertility testing. This testing can be done anytime in the year as long as we have a treated and control section to sample from!


recommend rhyzogreen to a buddy and get up to $2,000!

yieldshield (2)

guaranteed alfalfa results program

We realize growers hate risk.  Yield Shield 2.0 guarantees you will see results (in quality or quantity) on alfalfa in a full season, or we will provide product to cover all the originally applied acres at no charge. This only applies to alfalfa grown in Western America. (See full details to view the map.)

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