The Gallery Trials by crop type Grower Snapshots filter results by crop All AllAlfalfaHay/GrassSoil grower snapshots All AllCaliforniaIdahoKansasLouisianaMinnesotaMontanaNebraskaNorth Dakota Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: Back half | Control: Front half Soil Sample Bags Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: Entire Outlined Patch Rhyzogreen Pasture Application Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Fertigation application to young almond trees Treated soil: LHS | Control: RHS Earthworm count up 825% in 2 sq ft of treated soil vs. control Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: LHS | Control: RHS 4 days after in-furrow treatment of Rhyzogreen & Starter Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Rhyzogreen ready to be applied foliar to alfalfa Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated sugar cane Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Root dig showing more worms Treated: Bottom | Control: Top Control Strip till injected 3 weeks pre-planting Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: LHS | Control: RHS Treated: Top | Control: Bottom Treated: Top | Control: Bottom Flag marking Rhyzogreen treated area Rhyzogreen being applied in-furrow Treated: Front | Control: 30ft away Root digs Soil Microbial Biomass Test Kit Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Treated: RHS | Control: LHS 135 & 275gal totes of Rhyzogreen getting delivered to farms 135gal totes of Rhyzogreen heading out! Worms, showing life in the soil Treated: RHS | Control: LHS Worms, a key sign of soil health take the first step to improve your soil health & yield talk WITH a Riogen soil health guideHelp us understand your farming challenges and discuss ways to decrease your dependence on inputs. Get rhyzogreen® delivered to youLet's get you hooked up with the tool you need to help you improve soil health and reduce your inputs. analyze your results Compare yields, fertilizer expenses, soil health, and more, to make sure you're on the right track to reversing the trend and preserving your legacy. Connect with a soil health guide